Wednesday, 11 December 2019


Events Upcoming events Webinars Recorded webinars. We are proud to be the trusted name in the Video Analytics Industry! For a recognized face, the system flashes additional registered information and an image of that individual. People are detected through closed-circuit television CCTV cameras and matched against the database. Distributed architecture AllGoVision can be run locally i. Flexible, feature-rich solution turns smart video into actionable insight Executive Summary Video data is a key part of surveillance as well as many other types of IoT implementations. allgovision

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The solution powered by robust Intel architecture can be used by a wide spectrum of industries and vertical segments to improve decision-making, increase automation, and tap the benefits of connected IoT solutions. People are detected through closed-circuit television CCTV cameras and matched against the database. But video data can be complex and costly to gather, transmit, and analyze.

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See more city surveillance features. We are proud to be the sllgovision name allgpvision the Video Analytics Industry! We are Customers' Choice!

Where to Buy About Us Find jobs. AllGoVision is an open platform, plug and play solution with existing surveillance infrastructure. Feature extraction The unique facial characteristics of the captured sample are then assessed and a unique data set is extracted from the 3D structure of the detected face.

Alarms and alerts can be hosted on the cloud.

With a focus on perfection, we have defined and laid our corner stones, which are: With a focus on perfection, we have defined and laid our corner stones, which are:. Our emphasis on providing customer benefits like Cost Efficiency, Robust Performance, Ease of Usability and Customization has earned us good reputation in the industry. AllGoVision brings IoT and analytics expertise to unlock valuable insight from video data.


Internet of Things Documentation. These allgovixion can also be difficult to install, costly to purchase and maintain, and run only on specific cameras and infrastructure components. Log In My Milestone Marketplace.

AllGoVision Video Analytics

See more building surveillance features. Stand-alone analytics For stand-alone analytics, AllGoVision takes the video feed directly from the camera.


Our customers not only enjoy complete package of advanced and reliable Video Analytics features but also attractive incentives. Alarms and alerts are sent to the VMS allgovisiob smart client. It is designed to combine situational awareness with the business intelligence for competitive decision-making. We are headquartered at Bangalore, the silicon city of India and have presence in the U.


Analytics operations are then performed—with alarms and alerts generated automatically as needed. For stand-alone analytics, AllGoVision takes the video feed directly from the camera. Sllgovision can identify individuals even when moving and despite camouflage efforts.


The analytics run as a Windows service, supporting up to channels per server to save on hardware costs. Events in your region. Share Tweet Share Send. For a recognized face, the system flashes additional registered information and an image of allgocision individual.

For more information about AllGoVision, please visit allgovision.

With the use of Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence based algorithms, AllGoVision has best in class accuracy and much lower false detections. Support Expert analytics support team from AllGoVision One solution, multiple applications Allgovisiob across industries and use cases Sample Use Cases Next-generation video analytics from AllGoVision and Intel support a wide range of business and industry use cases and applications, including intelligent traffic surveillance, crowd management, perimeter protection, suspicious incidences detection, retail intelligence, facial recognition, and multi-camera tracking i.

Edge and cloud analytics Analytics at the edge and cloud are available on IP cameras. Here are just a few of the ways that smart cities, buildings, and enterprises are using AllGoVision analytics to optimize operations, increase safety, maximize efficiency, and reduce costs.

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