Tuesday, 3 December 2019


Fourth, although the sample size was sufficient to reach statistical significance for the purpose of the study, larger stratified samples might give the opportunity to have more comprehensive analysis. General Hospital Psychiatry , 26 4 , Measurements Sex, age, education, social-status, previous depressive symptoms and treatment for depression were self-reported. The British Journal of Psychiatry , 2 , Validity of depression rating scales during pregnancy and the postpartum period: One possible explanation for the lack of evidence might be the fact that our sample was homogeneous regarding age, education, treatment or comorbidities, the majority of our sample being in the late fifties, undergraduate and unemployed, having oral anti-diabetic treatment and disease, cardiovascular disease as comorbidity in general. inventarul de depresie beck

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Previous depression and diabetes distress were both independently associated with depression, confirming the bidirectional relationship between depression and diabetes distress.

When compared with men, women were less educated, less employed, were smoking and drinking alcohol less than men and were experiencing more present and past depressive symptoms.

Depression in romanian patients with type 2 diabetes: prevalence and risk factors

This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Comorbid depression and increased health care utilisation in individuals with diabetes.

inventarul de depresie beck

Moreover, when related to diabetes outcome and management, intervention that focus only on depression have no results on glycemic control and diabetes management [ 41 ], suggesting that improvement in depressive symptoms is not sufficient to enhance glycemic control or diabetes ds. In a longitudinal study, after controlling for demographics, medical co-morbidities and stressful deprresie events, past depressive symptoms were the only factor that recognized the individuals with increased chances in experiencing depression in a period of 2.

Relationship of depression and diabetes slef-care, medication adherence, and preventive care. Model 1 included demographic variables like age and education; Model 2 contained variables in Model 1 along with diabetes characteristics; Model 3 consisted of previous two models together with lifestyle characteristics such as smoking or alcohol consumption; in Model 4, along with the other three models included previous depression; Model 5, beside the first four models, also included diabetes distress.

Of these, four patients failed to complete all the questionnaires and two depresiw to consent the access to their medical data. Three specific themes also emerged: They gave written consent before filling in the questionnaire.

The summary of the selected article appears at the invsntarul of the page. Patients were informed of the aim of the study and the possibility to withdraw at any time. Five models of presumed predictors were used to assess the risk factors for depressive symptoms, using hierarchical regression analysis.

Depresiee major depression was found to be associated with poor self-care behavior expressed by lack of physical exercise, unhealthy diet, smoking, adherence to oral diabetes treatment and poorer physical functioning [ 12 ].

Depression in romanian patients with type 2 diabetes: prevalence and risk factors

The overall prevalence of depressive symptoms in patients with diabetes was Literature becck of risk factors and interventions. The British Journal of Psychiatry.

Their Contributions to Nursing Knowledge. Results In our sample the prevalence of depression was In order to improve glycemic control and diabetes management and in respect to these findings we need to understand the relationship between diabetes distress and depression. The authors showed that current negative effect partially mediated the relationship between prior and future depression.

inventarul de depresie beck

The increased number of diabetes complication can have a negative effect on depression due to both inflammatory reactions and negative cognitive pattern experienced in depression. Journal inventarkl Social and Clinical Psychology9 1 Diabetes distress and depressive symptoms were found to be highly associated with a cyclical relationship between them [ 19 ].

inventarul de depresie beck

Metabolism — Clinical and Experimental 54 5 On the other hand, having to go to work can have a protective role against depression due to social support received from the co-workers and decrease in the negative rumination.

The aim of the depresiw research was to explore the experience of postnatal depression in a sample of Romanian mothers.


invengarul Conclusion The prevalence of depressive symptoms in our study was A review of the relationship between depression and diabetes in adults: Medical characteristics were collected from the medical charts of the patients and included type and duration of diabetes, treatment and complications, most recent glycated hemoglobin HbA1c.

Antenatal risk factors for postpartum depression: A Relational Perspective on Postnatal Depression. A review of treating depression in diabetes: Background and aims The prevalence of depression in people with diabetes, like in other chronic diseases [ 12 ], is higher than in people without this disease [ 3 ], affecting approximately one in every 6 people with type 2 diabetes [ 4 ].

First, because previous depressive symptoms were self-reported, the patients could not specify the type of depression they had, such as dysthymia, depressive episode, or recurrent depression.

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