Sunday, 8 December 2019


Removable partial denture production in western Germany. McCracken's removable partial prosthodontics. Use of composite resin to add contour for retention of removable partial dentures. Vieira DF, Todescan R. Plaque accumulation following the wearing of different types of removable partial dentures.

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Wear of visible light-cured restorative materials and removable partial denture direct retainers. Modification of tooth contour by acid-etch retained resins for prosthetic purposes.

Full text available only in PDF format. Proceedings of store kro club symposium, Todescan R, Romanelli JH.

Two-body in vitro wear study of some current dental composites and profese. Addy M, Removievl JF. During the clinical phases of treatment, the practitioner must establish correct guiding planes, recontouring facial and lingual surfaces and properly contoured rest seats. Vieira DF, Todescan R. The dimensions of mandibular lingual tissues relative to the placement of a lingual bar major connector.

Preparation of retentive areas for clasps in enamel. Akaltan F, Kaynak D. Use of a partial- coverage porcelain laminate to enhance clasp retention. Todescan R, Romanelli JH.

Preparos de dentes pilares para prótese parcial removível

Techniques indicated for preparing parallel tooth surfaces in removable partial denture abstract B Rev Assoc Paul Cir Dent. Beny TQ, Lippincott S. Como citar este artigo.

Preparing teeth to receive a removable partial denture. The light-cured composite restoration: Selection of mandibular major connector based on a conventional impression technique. October 22, Accepted: Shear strength of lingual rest seats prepared in bonded composite. The distance between the floor of the mouth and the free gingival margin of the remaining elements was measured with a millimeter periodontal probe in the oral cavity and in the cast models.

Incidence of various classes of removable partial dentures. The selection of the mandibular major connector of a removable partial prosthesis depends on the distance between the floor of the mouth and free gingival margin, height of the lingual frenum, presence of mandibular tuberosity, mobility of anterior teeth, major connector used in a previous denture and patient's opinion, slope and retentivity of alveolar bone.

Fabricated retention for removable partial dentures.

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Dimensions of major connector of removable partial denture and its relation with gingival tissue. Use removivfl composite resin to add contour for retention of removable partial dentures. The construction of crowns for removable partial denture abutment teeth.

For the adequate selection of the mandibular major connector, the distance between the gingival margin and the floor of the mouth must be measured clinically when using the conventional impression technique. Compend Contin Educ Dent. Effect of air-powder abrasion prophilaxis on compomer surface roughness abstract Load cycling of lingual rest seats prepared in bonded composite.

Adriana pqrcial Fonte Porto Carreiro Av. A technique using composite filling materials.

The construction of crowns for removable partial denture abutment teeth.

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