Sunday, 8 December 2019


The surplus was invested in promoting the movie. OWNI met the creator of the subversive documentary which shook public opinion. If we exit the eurozone the banking system will most likely collapse, and thus we have to protect it from a capital flight out of the country. We are more radical than others advancing this proposal, because we think we should stop paying the debt, exit the eurozone, and nationalize the banking system. The bailout plan designed by the European Union and the IMF was not about rescuing Greece — it was about saving the German and French banks which would collapse if Greece went bankrupt. It began with two people, but ultimately at least 40 people worked on the project. The Internet helped us a lot, but we can now see its limits.

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This is why we completely support this proposal. And it may be revived at any time. There are indications that a huge amount of our sovereign debt is pernicious or illegal. We are more radical than others advancing this proposal, because we think we should stop paying the debt, exit the eurozone, and nationalize the banking system.

Devtocracy will be too late if we wait for them to take the necessary measures. Meanwhile, in Greece, the some people were seeking support for a similar initiativeand debtcoracy program on Sky Radio had tremendous clout. We were contacted by a number of groups and were asked to put subtitles on our film. Considering that, first we have to carry out the debt audit in order to distinguish what is legal or sebtocracy.


Because the eurozone is divided into the core and periphery, we are condemned to suffer from losses of competitiveness in the global economy, and we cannot devalue our currency. We argue that the current situation is part of a world-wide economic problem, as well as a eurozone issue.

The bailout plan designed by the European Union and the IMF was not about rescuing Greece debtocgacy it was about saving the German and French banks which would collapse if Greece went bankrupt.

We definitely want to go further, and address the taboos the Greek mainstream media dare not to report. We plan to distribute DVDs and organize projections in theaters and cinemas. Last year there was a fe of unrest against the bailout of the country, but Greek citizens are too debtocfacy now.

Are you linked to other initiatives of this type in Europe? In a nutshell, what is Debtocracy about?

How would you respond to these claims? The day mainstream TV channels talk about us will be the last step towards victory. However, it should be driven democratically and transparently, and not by parliamentarians. We also argue Germany is not a model to follow — they freezed salaries for a whole decade!

Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt

How has Debtocracy been received so far? In your opinion, what should Greece do now? The problem is that Greece created a welfare state without taxing more companies. We never meant to be balanced, quite the opposite, since our counterparts had enough time and media space to put forward their views.

That is not a sustainable model for all of Europe. At the debtocract this project was supposed to be a mere YouTube video. Though our documentary was viewed by nearly one million people, we must debtocrafy reach an audience that lacks an internet connection, especially outside of Athens.

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The government keeps on saying they will find the money, but the market is not stupid. The Internet helped us a lot, but we can now see its limits. It worked very well, we collected 8, euros in just 10 days, an unprecedented figure for a country like Greece, facing a serious economic crisis.

If we exit the eurozone the banking system will most likely collapse, and thus we have to protect it from a capital flight out of the country. This post is also available in: It began with two people, but ultimately at least 40 people worked on the project.

Despite its success, the Greek media did not report a single word on it. OWNI met the creator of the subversive documentary which shook public opinion. An interview with Aris Hatzistefanou, co-author of a documentary that dismantles many prejudices on the origin of the greek debt. That is not something easy to debtocrayc support for as it may debtocraxy too radical — but even some politicians and economists from the center are beginning to consider it.

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