Sunday, 8 December 2019


R Core team Network metrics and Wilcoxon rank sum test results are reported in Supplementary Table 2. Therefore, bvFTD functional breakdown is not merely described by connectivity loss, but though disease-specific reorganizations and regularization of the information flow. Further developments to the present work, that now constitute main limitations, are represented by: These differences are highlighted in Figure 6 , where edges present in the bvFTD graph but not in the HC one panel A , and vice versa panel B , are shown. material #25 0.mst

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In other words, it assembles connections minimizing the sum of edge-weights, excluding edges that form a cycle.

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Journal List Front Neurosci v. Specifically, we quantified bivariate connectivity of the wavelet correlation matrix for each subject Lynall et al. Maetrial, while the former is a direct bridge to the hub group, the latter is the first marerial of a limbic superhighway Figure 5Bwhose nodes occupy distinct peripheral positions in bvFTD Figure 5Aincluding: Their trees were composed by nodes with a lower maximum degree and number of leafs.

The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author s and the copyright owner s are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance matterial accepted academic practice. Aging alterations in whole-brain networks during adulthood mapped with the minimum spanning tree indices: Our results reflected such complex breakdown of the frontal and temporal areas at both intra-regional and long-range connections.

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The EBIC-based method reported few significant indices not directly related to information exchange efficiency i. This transformation ensures that weights are enclosed in materjal range 0, 1and the most important edges with small weights, i. Brain functional disruption and cognitive shortfalls as consequences of neurodegeneration are among the most investigated aspects in current clinical research.

High R 2 R-squared indices were observed in both groups 0. Through an iterative process, we removed links in descending order of their weights and calculated the degree divergence value Kwhich decreases in each cycle with link removals.

Connection efficiency loss is particularly evident in Figure 7where the superhighway system in HCs, linking hubs to Frontal and Temporal brain areas, is replaced by a local i. Nodes are 0.msr according to macro-regions membership see Supplementary Table 1 for label encodings.

Different neuroimaging methods been proposed to highlight brain damage in bvFTD Whitwell et al. The first evidence from our data is the formation of a new FTD-specific hub area A resilient, low-frequency, small-world human brain functional network with highly connected association cortical hubs.

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EP conceived and designed the study, acquired the data, analyzed the image, and wrote, reviewed, and edited the manuscript. Nodes and edges in the axial orientation x-y -coordinates of the anatomical automatic labeling AAL brain atlas are shown in Figure 7A,Bproviding a complete frontotemporal brain state representation, through the visualization of type, number, and origin of connections, confirming the abnormalities found in bvFTD, compared to HC.

According to well-established rs-fMRI literature, three reference networks are mainly involved in bvFTD functional breakdown: Degree divergence K is a measure of broadness of the degree distribution in the whole network, defined as the ratio between the variability and the average of node connections.

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Shape-linear configuration tendency in bvFTD graphs highlights different impairments: Short distances and overload prevention aspects suggest a good tree configuration or network integration. Choosing wavelet methods, filters, and lengths for functional brain network construction.

Lastly, we measured node betweenness differences i. Notably, all the elements of this superhighway are part materia the DMN Zhou et al. Thirty-nine HC, recruited from voluntary individuals, were used as control group.

Table 1 shows matdrial demographic information of the participants. We applied a cut-off equal to 0. The minimum spanning tree: Briefly, considering the fully connected network with the previous TOM-based link weights, we extracted one MST for each case-control group.

Through our TOM-adjusted edge weights, MSTs and relative parameters conserved their neighborhood node characteristics, highlighting nodes aggregation i. Alzheimer classification using a minimum spanning tree of high-order functional network on fMRI dataset. Description of minimum spanning tree global measures.

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